Sergei Akhmatdinov

Sergei Akhmatdinov

ECE Ph.D. Student
University of Michigan

District Director in District 7
MI-K ‘23 - WMIAC
Tau Beta Pi

Co-Founder and Admin

✉ sakhmatd -at-
✉ sakhmatd -at- (XMPP)

Github | Google Scholar | ORCID

My name is Sergei. I am a doctoral student, pursuing a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. My research interests lie in embedded systems and privacy. I am currently advised by Dr. Robert Dick.

Previously, I worked in the fields of Computer Architecture and Advanced Sensors at Western Michigan University. I also have extensive experience as a tutor of college-level mathematics, computer science, and physics.

My main hobbies include electronics, microcontrollers, programming, foreign languages/cultures, and music.

I play acoustic and electric guitars, electric bass, autoharp, Arabic oud and ney.

Aside from projects listed below, my contributions to the free software community include work on the D programming language runtime and the FreeBSD operating system.

Research Interests


Software Projects

Please find my FLOSS projects on Github.

Featured projects:

Hardware Projects


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